The Trials of A World King

This article was submitted to us by The Honest Liberal, having read it, I was forced to consider the importance of realpolitik when contrasted with, what I believe to be, a deeply held conservtive principle of loyalty to one's own friends and acquaintances. Doubtless Honest Liberal is correct in that we could indeed be facing a winter of discontent of sorts. It seems very likely, as has been shown in recent polls, that public opinion, off the back of 18 months of lockdowns and all the other associated u-turns, fumbles, scandals and so on, is unlikely to bear further indications of a rot at the heart of government. That said I can't help but question whether we want to emulate the likes of Tony Blair, shrewd in his actions though he may have been. We'd love to hear your opinion on the challenge of balancing loyalty to one's friends and political expediency, which is more valuable to you and what do you respect more? Should the media be ignored? Can it be ignored?

5 min read


Written by Honest Liberal

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